Wednesday, May 5, 2010

World in Turmoil

Kia Ora,

It  has being an interesting week.

First there has being the attempted car bombing in Time Square, New York.

Mayor Bloomberg made the statement that it was down to great people & police work.

Now people are just saying lucky & I would go with this one.

It was only after the failed detonation that it was detected.

The bomb was called amateurish, but what is not known well is that is how many in Iraq were put together.

There was one ocassion where to avoid detection by security forces, the suicide bomber picked up passengers in his taxi. It was only when there were some popping sounds from the boot of a premature detonation that the passengers realized, but luckily it failed.

As it was relayed, that when the Iraqi police arrived the three fares were giving the driver the hiding of his life.

This morning there is news of at least three deaths in riots in Greece. Yet if you have being studying the economic woes of the world, Greece is one of the western countries with the lest debt. Being part of the Eurozone though, it can't do what the US & UK are doing by trying to print their way out of trouble. In the long run that is a worse option if you look at history.

So what does that bode for the rest of the world?

The more people say there is a recovery, the bigger the shock there is going to be for those hit by the depression taking full effect & therefore the bigger the emotions that will be unleashed.

So, no where is safe.

Then we go to the Liquor licence hearings in Christchurch, where police oppose the issuing of liquor licences to Party buses.

In one part of their submission, the police refer to the time where 100 patrons of  three party buses, through aggressive behaviour were able to deny the police the ability to detain for questioning a male suspected of assaulting a woman.

So to say Greece won't happen in NZ is a myth. It bubbles away just under the surface & having had riot training courtesy of the military, you often see the requirements for a riot to happen building. In particular with the NZ alcohol issue is to the fore.

As the economies worsen you will see more extreme groups form ready to stir any crowd into action against the police or even security who deny them what they believe is their right.

So an increase of good security (which in general doesn't exist or the security staff are not allowed to practise it) is required not just to combat terrorism, but the growing trend of crime in general.

As of today there is a new security service available here in Christchurch with the aim to make our communities safe.

Details can be found at

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