Tuesday, May 18, 2010

When will they learn?

Kia Ora,

It seems our local terrorists, better known as boy racers, just don't seem to get the fact that they are breaking the law, but also not wanted.

With the new security service being offered if not responding to a call, procedure is to find an area to park up, in particular known trouble spots.

At present that means it is about 300 metres from base with boy racers often now congregating there.

On Friday night a couple of vehicles were observed parking in the usual spot then could be heard what sounded like the continuation of damage to businesses there  & the police were called.

It was the second week in a row that they have being called there. One person was observed, what it later transpired was not looking for a place to go to the toilet, but  trying to enter the premises.

Later on in a new subdivision a vehicle with four pers wearing hoodies was observed acting suspiciously & police called.

It appeared from response there were more than one report of their activities.

Saturday night though produced a surprise. It would be nice to think that the calls made as part of the service had something to do with it, but no way of confirming that.

Held up by admin, suddenly heard a noise & looked down the road to see police cars everywhere in what was obviously a planned or co ordinated move on those operating in that area.

Destroying a business or parts aligned to those businesses just because you think you can is not the sign of mature or even immature adults.  It falls in the realms of anarchists, but in this event it is just spoilt brats.

Our communities do not deserve this sort of behaviour & businesses, in the current environment in particular, can not afford the extra amount to fix up the damage.

These idiots could result in job losses over & above what the economy is causing & likely to cause. It could have a downstream effect resulting in more job losses.

I suppose it will only take effect when it is their own job!


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