Are you sure? Two things in todays news here in NZ.
The first is people leaving an armed robbery in a stolen car fired on a pursuing police car.
That might not seem much overseas, but here where police are still officially unarmed it shows that even with an unarmed force & security people are still prepared to shoot.
When I mentioned arming of security it gets odd looks. It is not well known that until 1974 security in NZ was armed, but the police were not since the late 1800's when they were known as the armed constabulary.
Honestly I wouldn't arm most of the current security work force with a ball point pen, but there has to be provision for some to be armed Security.
That brings me on to the second news item. Splashed across the worlds media is firefights (gun battles) between Afghan forces & Al Qaeda with allegedly NZ Special forces involved.
This brings up interesting points.
First whether NZ was involved or not it brings our name yet again to attention of those groups who will note it for further interest.
The second point is the tactics. Suicide bomber, in this case shot by security at ministries backed by armed Personnel. Just repeating tactics used in Iraq. Either armed assault followed by suicide bombers trying to get in further or suicide bombers followed by armed assault & more suicide bombers.
All you have to do in most cases in NZ is identify the holes in security & walz through.
As it is going to happen here at some point there needs to be a move towards arming some security & not just any body. If you are dealing with suicide bombers then it has to be people prepared to shoot to kill. That might seem extreme but it is not about looking good with a firearm & at best they should be out of view anyway.
You can't stop someone & ask if they are a suicide bomber (although I would expect that would be NZ's response at present).
People say but it is the police or the army that will be doing that. They have set roles & to let them carryout those roles, private security (properly trained in the legal use of firearms -military BHE's work best with ROE's -Rules of Engagement) allow them to do this.
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