Sunday, August 8, 2010

Rugby World Cup Test is a shambles!

Kia Ora,

After the Rugby World Cup test of systems in Christchurch the powers that be are hailing it as a success, but it appears to be a shambles & that is just based on what was on the media. Not to mention the scathing report from one Australian reporter & some letter writers to editors.

First response to the security set up was astonishment. The police system was been overseen from Wellington using technology. Well that is great, but it needs to be the people on the ground who make the decisions as if you are hit by a terrorist attack.

As I have said before you have about 30 seconds to react if it is a suicide bombing.

Technology is only ever an aid & after watching that any group planning an attack would be planning to disrupt those communications. I saw this done by a commander of mine when I first joined the army & were enemy for visiting US forces. They were so reliant on the communications that they had to send a vehicle down to ask us to stop as they could not function.

The police commander was heard to say that people are not arriving fast enough. Shows he does not know his community. Christchurch has this thing that everybody arrives up in last 30 minutes.

The Venue actually have said this morning that the crowds were arriving a little more even than normal. So there is a disconnection between the police commander in Wellington & the venue in between the understanding of local quirks.

Next we are hearing that the Rugby Road worked great. It is a terrorist attack waiting to happen on the way there & it is a riot waiting to happen on way back if the local team looses.

On the way to the stadium there are greater crowds & as suicide bombers work in groups all you need is a few spread out a long the route & mingle with the crowds. Or watch where the bottle necks are & place IED's. What was noticeable from footage was the lack of security along the route.

There have been a lot of comments in last few weeks about New Zealand fans been boorish. Actually they are becoming the worst sports fans you can have. The abuse of visiting fans or players & watch out if they loose, especially in Christchurch. Destruction of property & fighting is the norm.

Much has also been made about the number of staff at the stadium in the lead up to the game. From experience most of them would not be security so that makes the claims even more laughable. To comply with international standards there would have to be nearly 400 security staff as much for health & safety issues as anything.

That might seem overkill but should say a suicide bomber detonate a vest in the stadium there will be panic. Especially in NZ where such things are thought never likely to happen & then in that moment 400 will not be enough.

New Zealand needs to wake up & wake up quick. All the technology in the world is only ever an aid. Stop looking at this through rose coloured glasses. Saturday night was a shambles.

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